Price: £105.00


Face to Face, Zoom and Online E-Distance Learning Course Formats Available

Becoming an advanced pad holder is absolutely essential for anyone wanting to become indispensable to their personal training clients. After all, your client’s can do almost anything without you but they can’t do padwork on their own.

Designed for those using Boxercise for Personal Training and wanting to challenge and progress their clients further, or those whose longer term class participants need new advanced challenges and combinations.

The Advanced Skills Course covers more technically difficult skills including; Advanced punching, Advanced footwork, (up to fight level skills!), Defensive moves (including Duck, Slip & Layback), Counterpunches, Advanced combinations, Speed drills and Stamina drills

The step by step skills progression on the course also guides you on how to use the Client Progression aid we have devised - Weekly step by Step Client Skill progression plan.

You will learn in total 32 new skill moves to add to the basic 8 punches learnt on the Boxercise course.

You will never run out of ideas or combinations on the pads ! Enough to keep your clients challenged and returning week after week.

Remember we teach you to teach these to participants safely, not just to perform them yourself. You will learn the:

Safety points

  • Correct techniques -
  • Fault spotting,
  • Fault Correction for different learning styles
  • Advanced Combinations

Course Learning Formats

FACE TO FACE - Learn Advanced Pads and Footwork drills in a developing environment with other fellow instructors. Practical and Theory Assessment .

For those with a learning disability extra time or reading out the question may be possible.

ZOOM TRAINING - This is a 7 hr advanced skills course over Zoom. Course Participants will require a partner to assist them during the day to enable skill practise and for us to observe your coaching (your assistant does not need to be a fitness professional but they must be fit and healthy and proficient with the main punches and 1-8 number system). Timed theory assessment will be emailed after course. Normally runs 10am-5pm.

ONLINE e-DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE - Step by Step video tutorial course with explanation and practise rounds. This course is highly practical with advanced skill development so you will require a partner to practise your skills though out the course. (your assistant will need to be proficient with the main punches and 1-8 number system).

There is a practical and theory assessment at the end of the course but practical video submissions are encouraged through out for us to monitor your progress and for you to gain feedback should you wish at any point. 120min of video tutorial plus practise rounds


  • To access the Boxercise Advanced course you must first pass the Boxercise course.

This course provides the perfect springboard for the Speedpads Course.

Post course resources

  • Boxercise Advanced Skills Certificate
  • Boxercise Advanced Skills Manual and refresher video
  • Client Progression Aid ( Weekly step by step guide for progressing your clients skills and combinations.)
  • Option to progress your skills further on the Speeds Pads course (Boxercise level 3 course)
  • Access the Kids Silver and Gold Awards

Download Course Information

FAQs Course Pathway


Having recently had a career change, I became a qualified PT and wanted to do pad work with my clients. Having searched the web for courses, i found the Boxercise website and having browsed their information, decided that they covered the areas I wanted and seemed to be a well established and professional company. I completed the basic instructor course and found it extremely enjoyable and was hooked (excuse the pun), having never picked up a boxing glove in my previous 50 years. i then went on to do the PT/ Advanced skills course, kickboxercise and kids courses, qualifying for the advanced instructor. My participants enjoy the sessions and keep coming back. This has taken my business down a completely different path. Andy Wake and his team are very knowledgeable and give you the tools to instruct good technique to your clients keeping them safe from injury and are always there if you need advice or help on issues and of course backed up by all the other instructors offering loads of drills and ideas in the facebook group. I have recovered my costs already in three short months and am looking forward to the future with Boxercise.

- Mark Lewis

I've been a self-employed PT for years but since I've done the Boxercise Instructor course and the Advanced skills course my income has doubled. It's been a great investment and the clients love it! I can't wait to do a Speed Pads course as well!

- Sarah Brabs

Structure of the day

  • Advanced punching and coaching skills
    Use of defensive moves, counterpunches & blocks in combinations. Progress the beginner to moving and punching at the same time.
  • Lunch
  • Advanced Footwork
    Movement and conservation of pad holders energy whilst working the participant harder. Incorporate footwork into combinations. Practise drills 18-43 from the Boxercise Footwork Training System.
  • Advanced Padwork
    use of single pads, one pad one glove, meeting punches safely. Learn how to put the punches, defensive moves and footwork together in a progressive system you can use with your clients.
  • Advanced Coaching & Training Methods
  • Speed, Power and stamina drills
  • Theory Exam
  • Depart