Price: £105.00


Face to Face and Zoom Course Formats Available.

Group Spar is a padwork in time to music course which is run in conjunction with Italian Company - IBFF (Italian Boxing Fitness Federation). Great for instructors that would like to offer more of an aerobic style session that doesn’t just involve punching the air but instead puts combinations on pads to the music beat.

The format for teaching enables those that find traditional aerobic courses challenging more accessible.

On passing the course post course you will receive an independent certificate from IBFF – this course qualification is not added to your existing Boxercise certificate. 

Learning Format: Coming Soon 2025 Online e-distance Learning Option


For 2025 : This course is moving to an online e-distance learning course. -

As an e-distance online course you can work through this video tutorial guided course in your own time You will require a partner to assist you with some of your practise session. We will monitor your progress through practical video submissions. As part of the course you will receive a couple of music tracks to practise with from IBFF.

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