Price: £105.00


Face to Face and Zoom Course Formats Available.

Designed for those teaching classes, Kick Boxercise adds value to your classes by bringing new techniques designed to tone up those bums and tums using explosive techniques derived from the martial arts.

We have chosen the most suitable techniques from the wide range of Kung Fu, Karate, Kick Boxing and Muay Thai to teach safely to fitness participants. With these extra techniques and combinations you'll keep your clients coming back for more.

This course is great fun, teaching you new techniques to add to those already gained on the Boxercise course. Use elbows, knees and kicks to add variation and different skills to your Boxercise sessions.

You will learn the:

  • New Aerobic routines using elbows knees and kicks
  • New circuit ideas
  • Combinations using the elbows , knees and kicks,
  • Circuit stations
  • 'Drilling to fatigue' for killer martial arts sessions
  • Utilising the whole body in your Kick Boxercise workout
  • How to use Strikes shields and new pad movements.

Remember we teach you to teach these to participants safely, not just to perform them yourself.

Safety points.

  • Correct techniques - the elbows knees and kicks,
  • Fault spotting,
  • Fault Correction for different learning styles

Equipment Used

You will use both pads and strike shields, learning how to hold them safely and absorb the shock even for the hardest kickers!

Coures LEarNing FOrmats

Face To Face : Learning with others instructor on this fun skill interactive course , include practical assessment. On the day of the course we will bring Strike shields for you to use and practise with.

Zoom Course Requirements: - The Zoom course follows a similar course structure to the 1 day face to face course.

You don't require a partner for the Zoom course but you will be required to practice the skills with another person after the course and to submit

a Practical Video for assessment purposes. It's beneficial if you have a strike shield for the course but not essential.


To access the Kick Boxercise course, you must first pass the Boxercise course

Post course resources

  • Kick Boxercise Certification added to your Boxercise Qualification.
  • Kick Boxercise Manual and refresher Video
  • Reduces rates on Strike Shields
  • Access to Kick Boxercise Specific Circuit cards

Download Course Information

FAQs Course Pathway


With over 15 years of martial arts experience I thought, “What can Boxercise teach me?” Loads apparently!

From how to give an absolute beginner a fun, safe workout on the pads with the Boxercise course through to taking a ring experienced Boxer through drills, including Moving Off the Ropes and Countering a Southpaw, with the PT and Speed Pads courses.

I teach a range of classes alongside “pure” Boxercise and over the years that I have been teaching, I have found that elements of Boxercise have sneaked their way into most things I do! - My clients love it .

If you are considering doing the instructors course, do it. Once you have done the Boxercise course, don’t stop there. Boxercise are the only training company to offer FREE Refresher course and Masterclasses that I know of . Their commitment to improving standards is second to none plus your skills will just keep growing. I love it.

Many fitness fads come & go but fitness pad-work just keeps evolving and Boxercise is right out in front.

- Glenn Briant

I was a PT in a club with 7-10 other trainers and I wanted to separate myself from my competitors by offering my clients a better service/results and that's why I singed up to Boxercise Ltd back in 2007. (I think)

I went on to complete both Boxercise and Kick Boxercise in the same weekend and then started to offer this to my clients on a one-to-one basis and instantly started to get more referrals and people in the gym asking if they could train with me. I was soon fully booked so from here I want on to offer group training

Boxercise played a pivotal part in my career as a PT, my clients love it and I love teaching!

- Ben Davis

Structure of the day

  • Learn Elbow, Knee & Kick techniques
    to add to your boxing skills. Learn how to teach them to others.
  • KickBoxercise Aerobics – Group work.
    Using the new moves you have been taught to create super new aerobic routines.
  • Lunch
  • Learn how to safely hold the focus pads & strike shield
    to absorb the shock of elbows, knee’s and kicks. Learn how to spot common faults and effectively coach. Correct technique for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.
  • Practical Assessment
    Working in pairs, demonstrate the techniques you have learnt during the course.
  • Combinations
    Group work looking at how to incorporate the techniques learnt today with the 8 punches learnt from your Boxercise course. Gain new KickBoxercise combinations to progress with.
  • Depart