Frances McLennan
✔ Registered
Address The Ripple Project
Location 198 Restalrig Rd S, Edinburgh EH7 6DZ
Postcode EH7 6DZ
Telephone 07814847755
ProfileClass is on Wednesday evenings from 18.30-19.30pm
Fee is £5.00 per class
Block booking of 6 Sessions £25.00
Block booking of 10 sessions £40.00
Loyalty card attend 7 sessions get one FREE
Exercise for Everyone Class
on Wednesday at 10am £3.00 per session
Seated Exercise on Wednesday at 11am £3.00 per session
Paths for all volunteer walk leader
Walking group on at 9.15am 1 or 2-hour sessions
1-5k walked in the surround parks and green spaces.
Jog Scotland Leader
No class at present, but plans are one in the future.