Profile * Fitness manager .
* Personal trainer from ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association ) .
* Boxercise Instructor BY Boxercise UK .
* Boxercise PT advance skills BY Boxercise UK .
* HBX Boxing BY ( human body exercise ) .
* FAT LOSS specialization by ASP (Australian strength performance .
* HYPERTROPHY SPECIALIZED by ASP (Australian strength performance .
* Boxing trainer BY A.A boxing federation .
* graduate OF physical education college .
Profile * Fitness manager .
* Personal trainer from ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association ) .
* Boxercise Instructor BY Boxercise UK .
* Boxercise PT advance skills BY Boxercise UK .
* HBX Boxing BY ( human body exercise ) .
* FAT LOSS specialization by ASP (Australian strength performance .
* HYPERTROPHY SPECIALIZED by ASP (Australian strength performance .
* Boxing trainer BY A.A boxing federation .
* graduate OF physical education college .
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