Price: £99.00

Face to Face and Online Distance Learning Course Formats Available

This Course has been designed to offer Boxercise instructors and boxing trainers more combinations to work on with their clients and to focus on how to execute and coach the more recently popularised style of padwork - speed pads.

This Cuban padwork style offers rapid reactive combinations, utilised by many professional coaches to teach effective head movement , fluidity and defensive skills. This flashy style of padwork will make your clients look awesome.


The Speed Pads course can be completed by attending a face to face training course or online distance learning.

Both course formats follow the same structure and progressive steps. Both are a highly practical skilled padwork course incorporating a final assessment.

The Face to Face course is a 1 day intensive training day whereas the Online Distance learning course provides you with the opportunity to work at your own pace. It incorporates step by step video tutorials with virtual practice rounds. You would require a competent padwork partner to practice with.


To book onto the speed pads and combinations course attendees must have first completed the Boxercise Instructor Course and Advanced Skills course.

The exception to this is National Federation Qualified Boxing Coaches, or British Board of Boxing Control Licensed Trainers, may attend the combinations and speed pads one day course as an independent certification without holding any prior Boxercise qualifications. Please contact head office to book: 0116 2404906. Attending this course as an independent certification will not enable the use of the Boxercise trademark or entitle the attendee to call themselves a Boxercise instructor.

Post course Resources

  • Boxercise Speed Pads Certificate
  • Speed pads video
  • Breakdown of Combinations used
  • Option to achieve advanced Instructor Status

Advanced Instructor Certification

Advanced Instructor Status is awarded to those exceptional instructors who achieve over 80 % on the:

  • Boxercise course and Advanced Skills and Speed Pads

Download Course Information

FAQs Course Pathway


I've found the speed pads course invaluable for both pt and group classes. It teaches you a concept that you can adapt endlessly in terms of building combos. The course that keeps on giving! Highly recommended.

- Kate Dakers

Structure of the day

  • Speed Pads
    Speed pads is the use of focus pads in reactive drills to improve punching hand speed, defensive reactions, especially head movement and counterpunching. Speed pads looks really ‘flashy’ which is why you’ll often find world class trainers using this technique to showcase amazing punching combinations with their boxers most notably Floyd Mayweather Jr.
    You can learn this style of pad holding to make you AND your clients look fantastic! We will show you all you need to know and the ‘system’ behind it.
  • Lunch
  • Combinations
    During the afternoon session you practise more combinations this time the focus being on combinations influenced by famous fighters.
    Becoming an advanced pad holder is absolutely essential for anyone wanting to become indispensable to their personal training clients, we will teach you the tricks of the trade to ensure your clients never get bored. After all, your client’s can do almost anything without you but they can’t do padwork on their own.
  • Practical Assessment
  • Depart